The German Wife

The German Wife by Kelly Rimmer is unique in the popular genre of WWII fiction. It takes place both before and after the war. The story is based on an actual post war US government project called Operation Paper Clip that will surprise many readers. As a writer who...
More of Jo’s Jottings for May 2023

More of Jo’s Jottings for May 2023

From time to time I will take a break from writing novels, memoirs, and other things to share some random thoughts on random topics I hope you might find interesting. May is springtime in Wisconsin. But for me May is also the month when my husband died, and so it...

Night Came with Many Stars

Night Came with Many Stars by Simon Van Booy is a novel about family and survival and finding one’s way in a chaotic world. As a writer I was fascinated when I realized a chapter titled with a character’s name did not necessarily mean the reader would be in that...
Literary Characters

Literary Characters

What literary character is most like your Mom? And why? Post your answer in the Comment Section and receive a FREE GIFT – a data sleeve protector for your wallet. You’ll be added to our newsletter list, but don’t worry – we won’t inundate...
Jo’s Jottings for May, 2023

Jo’s Jottings for May, 2023

From time to time I will take a break from writing novels, memoirs, and other things to share some random thoughts on random topics I hope you might find interesting. Today I am thinking about—of all things—Parkinson’s Disease. April is National PD Month and as the...